LG Introducing the Wallpaper TV
Posted on 12:00am on Tuesday 14th February 2017 by Walts
Wallpaper TV (Picture on Wall) is LG’s latest innovation in OLED TVs. The 65” Consumer Model is held on the Wall with Magnets. The Commercial Models have a Mounting panel that fastens to the Wall. Then the TV slides in place on the panel.
The Consumer Model has [..]
Posted on 12:00am on Friday 26th May 2017 by Walts
The 2017 Samsung TVs have reinvented Quantum Dot Technology with the new QLED Line. The new QLED TVs are available in 55”,65”,75”& 88” models.
They feature 100% Color Volume, which keeps the color the same at all levels of brightness.
Also Q [..]
Posted on 12:00am on Friday 3rd February 2017 by Walts
A LED TV is in reality a LCD TV that is back or edge lit with LEDs. The first LCD TVs were only backlit with fluorescent lights.
An OLED TV is a Organic Light Emitting Diode TV. It is a true LED TV. [..]