Spotlight on Walts Local Charity Teddy Bear Drive!
Posted on 12:00am on Monday 19th December 2022 by Walts
Walts Local Charity Event
Team Emery is a local charity that delivers bears and stuffed animals to children in the hospital over the holidays and passes on throughout the rest of the year. Walts became involved with Team Emery after learning about how one of our very own employees' family was positively impacted by a teddy bear. Walts has contributed to this Charity for 4 years and holds a local charity event in Tempe, Arizona with raffle drawings, food, and music.
About Team Emery
Here is a little bit more about Team Emery. Founder Emery Miller was born with Congenital Heart Defects, undergoing four open-heart surgeries before the age of seven. When he was in the 5th grade, a simple Christmas wish of wanting to pay it forward and donate one teddy bear to a sick child has transformed into an organization located in 14 states, and has impacted nearly 69,000 families since 2011.
2022 Stats
This year Walts was able to collect 917 teddy bears/stuffed animals for Team Emery to give to a sick child in the hospital during the holidays. Walts believes and supports being able to give back to the community and bring happiness to a child during a difficult time.
Thank you to all who participated and donated a stuffed animal, you have made a difference!